Thursday 26 July 2012

सूरज की रौशनी हो या हो रात का अँधेरा ...

दुनिया  का  दस्तूर  कुछ  अनोखा  है ,कहीं  बारिश  तो  कहीं  सूखा  है 
उस  गीली   मिट्टी  की  खुशबु  में  खो  ना  जाना , सच  नहीं  वो  तो  एक  धोखा  है 

सपनों  की  दुनिया  से  निकल  बाहर ,परछाई  से  आगे  चलना  भी  सीख  ज़रा 
दिन  की  रौशनी  में  ही  साथ  देती  है  ये , अँधेरे  का  लुत्फ़  भी  उठा  ज़रा 

पड़ती  है  जब  सूरज  की  रौशनी  ,छिपता  ना  तब  कोई  राज़  है 
पर  जो  खुद  ही  छिप  जाता  है  कुछ  पल  में , ईमान  पर  तो  उसके  भी  सवाल  है 

रख  इतना  भरोसा  खुद  पर  ऐ  बन्दे ,की  मिसाल  बन  जाए  दूसरों  के  लिए 
पर  इस  गुमां  में  ना  भूल  जाना  की  कुछ  अपने  भी  हैं   खड़े  यहाँ  तेरे  लिए  

सुख -दुःख  हो  या  हो  बारिश -सूखा , रहता  कुछ  नहीं   है  सदा  के  लिए 
ये  तो  बस  वो  कुछ  खास  अपने  हैं , जो  ना  रह कर  भी  रह  जाते  हैं  ज़िन्दगी  भर  के  लिए 

माना  अकेला  आया  था  इस  ज़मीन  पर  तू , और  जाएगा  भी  अकेला  ही  तू  
पर  अपने  हमसफ़र  से  मिले  बिना  , कैसे  कहेगा  कि  ज़िन्दगी  जी कर  आया  है  तू 

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Twin-headed Geminarian...

As time is passing and I am growing both by age and thinking, I have done a strange realization. I considered myself to be a strong Arian with typical characteristics and traits of the planet.
An Arian is bound to lead, to be the initiator , to be strong headed with great decision making powers. Along with that an Arian is a carefree bird with a dont care atttitude towards society ( i know it sounds good )!!!!
Well I am one of such kind and one can easily identify the above mentioned tratits in me .But lately I have realized that I am changing. I have started liking things i never liked before.Be it the food I prefer to eat or be it my favorite color.My moon sign - Gemini is having its strong influence on me. I always have two voices inside me. One is obviously the contradictory of second and thus a strong headed , decision maker arian transforms into a confused dual minded gemini with two thoughts hanging inside and thus making me feel lika a see-saw.
Is it the influence of planets on me?? Is it my growing age?? or Is it just me??
Things around me are not what I want but the irony is I dont know what I want? Yes, thats the confused Geminarian I have become. I was always the agony aunt to such confused people around me but now I need one for myself.
I am supposed to be the carefree girl who does what pleases her with no thought to its consequences. One who belives in-"fly now and pay later". One who cannot plan for future and lives in the present moment. 

But yes, I can feel the different me these days . I worry about future, I try to plan( although fail badly at it!!!), I think about the consquences and questions myself regularly which generally begins with "what if?".
I so want to be the level headed girl I was .With no offences to the Gemini's I still loved the Arian me and want it back. Oh Lord Mars, outshine on me!!!

P.S. Well Arian's do have some negative characteristics also. I just forgot to pen them down :P